Sugar Pine 7 Wiki

James DeAngelis is a filmmaker, actor and co-owner of Sugar Pine 7, along with Steven Suptic and Clayton James. Steven first brought him on as a cameraman to film the Alternative Lifestyle videos, but he now works as a contractor, as a host and cameraman.


James went to San Francisco State University from 2012 – 2016. For his work in small films while at university, he got within the top 16 best films in their movie fest in 2013 and again in 2015. After finishing college he worked at DocFilm institute as an intern as well as being a freelance production assistant. He was brought on with Discovery Digital Network to work as a studio technician for SourceFed studios.

After SourceFed's cancellation, James was jobless until Steven brought him on board to film the Alternative Lifestyle videos. James became part of the main cast and has since appeared in most of the videos.


  • James has a girlfriend named Lauren, he also has a dog named Vinny.