Sugar Pine 7 Wiki
Alternative Lifestyle

James is a main character in the Alternative Lifestyle series of videos. Steven brought him on as a cameraman to film the Sugar Pine 7 videos.


The Water Warriors[]

Sometime in James' past he was part of the Water Warriors, and in the episode "Teambuilding Exercise: Fighting", Steven says he spent 38 years in the military. It is unknown what role they served at this time, but from his website it is in fact known that James has formal training in Wrestling, MMA, and Karate.

The Draft[]

To be re-written.

Before Sugar Pine 7, James was part of many secret, yet "prestigious" groups. A major plot point early in season one was "the draft". James said he was being drafted, but couldn't tell any more. It was later revealed that he was being drafted by NASA to lead their whole organization. He avoided the draft by hiding in his secret storage facility.

Death of a Water Warrior[]

In season two, Steven and Cib became sceptical of James' water warrior past, and gave him the silent treatment until "Death of a water warrior." Steven, Cib, and Devin were talking about not trusting James anymore due to his most likely fake past. James, while practicing his "Water Warrior skills", hears them and after some pressure opens up about his true past. He tells them that he never had a family, and in fact lived in an orphanage until he became 18. While at the orphanage, one day a real Water Warrior visited the kids, telling them about his job and how he protected the country from "bad guys". This fascinated young James and after the visit was over the Water Warrior gave James an honorary Water Warrior medal, and told him that someday he could become a water warrior too. This stuck with James and he came up with his fake, Water Warrior past. After he tells the boys the truth he leaves the office.

5 days later, in "Return of a friend." Steven, and Cib visit James at his apartment where they find back in his 2005 emo phase. They play some Star Wars Battlefront together and reconcile.

Short Possession and Return of a Friend[]

To be added.

Famous Actor James DeAngelis[]

In "The good, the bad and the idiot." James meets up with James Allen McCune and talks to him about getting bigger roles to act in, Jamie gives him his manager's phone number and they part their ways. In the same episode he, Cib, and Steven have a fight after Steven says that Cib is written as a stupid character because he is one. In the Season 2 finale James is at the party with his girlfriend and talks to Jamie again about his manager, he then reconciles with Steven and they continue to have fun at the party.

In "I scammed Geoff Ramsey, AND YOU CAN TOO!" James along with Jamie meet his manager, he says that James is part of the family and that 2018 is James' year.